Product Items


Items are child products of the parent product you just created. First you must create an 'Attribute' that will hold a unique property for each item.
One example: we want to sell the same product in various colors and sizes.

Create a product to be the parent. Make it 'Product Physical' = 'No'.
Click on the 'Item' Tag and then 'Add Attributes'. Add an attribue called "Color", and one called "Size".

Create Items

1) Create Items individually: Go back to the product->Items and click 'New Item'. Fill in the fields and be sure to fill in the attribute (eg: Color = Blue, Size = S)

2) There is a MyMuse -> Product Pages option called "Show Items in a select dropdown" that can be set by menu item as well. All items with the same name will be shown in a select box. For example you could create the attribute color, then create 4 T-Shirt items with the attributes red, blue, green, yellow. They will show in a select box.

3) Create your attributes (Ex: Color and Size) with default values (Ex: 'Red Green Blue' and 'Small Medium Large'. Then click "Create Items". This will clear any current items and create a set of items with the parent name and each combination of the attribute names.

MyMuse Product   Items List   Administration

Column Headers

Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value. The list will be sorted in order by that column and a sort icon will show next to the column name.


 List Attributes

MyMuse Product   Items Attribute List   Administration


Column Headings


 New Attribute

MyMuse Product   Items Attribute Edit   Administration



 New Item

MyMuse Product   Items Edit   Administration


 Example Product

MyMuse Product   Items   Front End