MyMuse 1.1 Released
MyMuse 1.1 Released
We are excited to announce the release of MyMuse 1.1. Sell any kind of digital goods!
Upload anything for sale, offer previews for MP3's or Movies.
You can sell any kind of digital item. If it has an odd file ending you can always zip it :)
Previews can be MP3's or movies. Movies can be FLV, H264 and MP4.
We offer two free preview players for mp3's or movies, Dewplayer from Alsa Creations and Flowplayer from
Players are now in plugins so it's easy to add your own.
Players can be configured by component and by menu item to show height and width and one of the following:
- One player and all previews have a "PLAY" button
- Multiple players (one player for each preview)
- One player with a playlist
Other add-ons/improvements:
- Show an Album in a module
- Recognize if a user is logged in from another extension and only ask for necessary fields for checking out.
- Fix bugs with products saving publish-up and publish-down
- Fix email box was limited to 32 chars
- Fix error in category name in thank you email
- Add title tags to all images, change alt tags to be item title instead of file name. Add metakeyword based on title of section or category and meta description based on description of section or category. Should help immensely with SEO of images.
- Last updated on .
- Hits: 12576