MyMuse 3.2.7 Released
We are happy to announce the release of 3.2.7. Many small fixes and integration with Amazon S3.
Update log 2014-05-15 - 2014-06-15:
- Add menu for user plugin. No order number when saving order after.
- Update category plus blog view: subcategories section
- Fix filesize typo
- Improving artist reports, new form fields
- Fix on my_free_downloads when no tracks
- Typo in products model
- Only variables should be assigned by reference in main mymuse file and several plugins,
- Add check for previews before manipulating "preview_tracks" array.
- Fix 'save order after' for joomla users.
- S3 integration. Able to download 2gig file!
- Last updated on .
- Hits: 10793