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Order View

How to Access

  • Select Extensions → MyMuse→ Orders from the drop-down menu of the Joomla! Administrator Panel.

To edit an existing Order,  click on a the Order's ID or click the Order's check box and then click the 'Edit' button. 


This is the back-end screen where you can edit the Order, changing the status, adding notes or adding payments. 



Print. Note the print link in the top left.

Order Summary

  • ID. The ID of the order.
  • Order Number. A unique internal number, may be used with payment processor.
  • Sub Total. The subtotal before taxes.
  • Shipping. Any shipping charges.
  • Total. The total cost of the order, includes any taxes.
  • Currency. The currency of this transaction.
  • Coupon Name. The name of a coupon used, if any.
  • Coupon discount. The discount of the coupon.
  • Discount. A poosible shopper group discount.
  • Created. The date the order was created.
  • Modified. The date of the last modification.
  • Order Status. The status whcih could be one of Pending, Confirmed, Cancelled, Shipped or Invalid. If you change the status and save, the customer will be notified!
  • Notes. Any notes you have written about this order.


These fields may not all be present, depending on your choices in your User Profile Plugin 

  • Full Name.
  • Address.
  • City.
  • State.
  • Zip/Postal Code.
  • Country.
  • Phone.
  • Mobile.
  • Email.
  • Shopper Group.

Order Items Columns

  • Title. The title of the product.
  • Price. The price of the product at time of ordering.
  • Quantity. The number ordered.
  • Sub Total. The quantity times the price.
  • Downloads. Number of doenloads of this item, if it is downloadable.
  • Expires. The date the downloads expire.

  • Shipping. If there was any needed.
  • Taxes. Depends on taxes defined and Customer's location.
  • Discounts. Any disounts on product, shopper group or coupon.
  • Total. The final total of the order.


  • Download Link. The link that was sent to the customer, and appears if the customer views this order. 
  • Download Options Reset downloads and email customer. Reset the downloads, as if the order was made today.




  • Save. Save but stay on the page.
  • Save and Close. Save and go back to the orders list.
  • Close. Do not save, just close and go back to the orders list




You can add a payment, or partial payment by hand.


  • ID. the ID of the payment.
  • Date. The date of the payment.
  • Method. Choose a method of payment by plugin or enter another payment method.
  • Amount.
  • Currency.
  • Rate. Exchange rate may be specified by our payment processor.
  • Fees. Store fees charged by the payment processor.
  • Trans ID. Store the transaction ID.
  • Status.
  • Description.



  • Hits: 9719