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MyMuse Version 4: The May Day Release

We are pleased to announce the release of MyMuse Version 4.

We haven't had many releases lately but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy!

After several years of adding features we felt things were getting out of hand, so we stripped the code down to the basics and released MyMuse Simple. Building on that solid core we brought back the things we wanted, all organized and tidy. We are still working on Amazon S3 integration. If you use that, please be patient. Coming soon in separate plugin.

We hope all current customers will find all they need. There may be the odd thing deprecated or gone.

We finally have a set of Acceptance Tests to run with each code change to ensure quality and consistency in the code. If you are a test geek or want to join in the coding, check out the git hub test repository.

Read more …MyMuse Version 4: The May Day Release

  • Hits: 12754

Made by Musicians for Musicians

Sell your CD's and individual tracks online. Sell anything digital.

MyMuse for Joomla! is a Joomla! extension with associated modules and plugins.

The extension is a shopping cart geared to musicians, record labels, music distribution centers, church choirs, DJ's, Video sharing, file serving sites. It can sell both physical items, like CDs or DVD's as well as individual tracks or any digital good that can be downloaded. It keeps track of products, orders and downloads. Set up previews with flash or HTML5 plugins.

Other plugins enable payment options,  searching for products, shipping options and more.


  • Create multiple categories for your products. Assign products to multiple categories.
  • Create products, physical or not, add multiple tracks/files for sale and other items like books or DVD's.
  • Add previews of your files, audio or video
  • Set up taxes and shipping rates
  • Multiple views. Create menus for
    • The Store itself
    • All Categories
    • Individual Artists/Categories with list of products in blog or list format
    • Individual products
    • The shopping cart
    • Shopper orders
    • Artist sales reports

Supports payment processing at  PayPal, Stripe,, Moneybookers, Monsterpay, Payfast, Paynow, and Payunity.

  • Hits: 17626

MyMuse Simple Release 1.1.0

We are happy to announce the release of MyMuseSimple Version 1.1.0.

Updated for PHP 7.2 with several fixes and enhancements.

FREE to use and distribute. Available HERE.


We have spent some time developing Acceptance Tests using Codeception and the Joomla Browser webdriver.
Thanks to the Joomnla team for first developing this test suite. Now adapted to MyMuse.

Find the test suite here:

  • Hits: 11836