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MyMuse for Joomla News

Spring Update

Spring Update!

Spring brings many changes. We dedicate this build to St. Patrick.
Com_mymuse-1.1.120107 build 388, includes several fixes and features such as

  • Fix javascript problem with Chrome browser. (didn't like the function being called 'download')
  • Now sends a mail upon order capture even if 'Pending' if 'PayOffLine' is turned on.
  • If your country has no cents there is now an option to show no cents. (We love you Chile!)
  • Fix html in category view if  picture file is not found.
  • Change the tabs into divs in admin side to get around editor/form problems with certain browsers.
  • Fix links in outgoing mails back to artists and products.
  • Post a message on screen when PayOffline is chosen, and
  • Create option for text in all emails (such as: Make cheques payable to...)
  • Tidying up the uninstall

All users should log in and get the latest version.
A special thank you to Carrie at who helped us with several of the above items.

"And what about the 2.5 version?"

Yes, well, all things in good time... just around the corner... As soon as we get past some big deadlines. No date set yet. Bit it's going to be great!

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 9612

Editor Woes Fixed

Javascript Problems

There arose a strange situation during the last update of Firefox that caused some odd javascript errors with some editors, especially if the editor was loaded inside a pane. This effected a number of third party components. The fix for MyMuse is in the latest edition. We removed the panels in the Product Edit form and put the contents inside div tags shown or hidden by Javascript.

The JCE editor also came out with a fix and I highly recommend getting the latest one if you have not already.

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  • Hits: 9990

Editor Problems

Editor Problems

There are some problems with the latest versions of Joomla! 1.5 and the latest versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer on windows and several Joomla! extensions, including MyMuse.
The fix for now is to install the latest tinyMCE editor (the Joomla default editor) or the latest JCE (joomla content editor that is based on MCE but way cooler).

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 10848

Search Update

New Improved Search Plugin

Updated the search plugin to include track names (funny how that got left out).
The track name gets appended to the title if it matches a track.
Version 1.0.1 can be downloaded here.

  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 10313

MyMuse 1.1 Released

MyMuse 1.1 Released

We are excited to announce the release of MyMuse 1.1. Sell any kind of digital goods!
Upload anything for sale, offer previews for MP3's or Movies.

You can sell any kind of digital item. If it has an odd file ending you can always zip it :)
Previews can be MP3's or movies. Movies can be FLV, H264 and MP4.
We offer two free preview players for mp3's or movies,  Dewplayer from Alsa Creations and Flowplayer from
Players are now in plugins so it's easy to add your own.
Players can be configured by component and by menu item to show height and width and one of the following:

  1. One player and all previews have a "PLAY" button
  2. Multiple players (one player for each preview)
  3. One player with a playlist

Other add-ons/improvements:

  1. Show an Album in a module
  2. Recognize if a user is logged in from another extension and only ask for necessary fields for checking out.
  3. Fix bugs with products saving publish-up and publish-down
  4. Fix email box was limited to 32 chars
  5. Fix error in category name in thank you email
  6. Add title tags to all images, change alt tags to be item title instead of file name. Add metakeyword based on title of section or category and meta description based on description of section or category. Should help immensely with SEO of images.
  • Last updated on .
  • Hits: 12148