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ShopperGroups List

Shopper Group Manager

What it does

You can create shopper groups and assign them different discounts. Then you can assign users to shopper groups.

How to Access

Click on 'Shopper Groups' in the 'Components->MyMuse' menu in the back-end of your Joomla! installation.

Shopper Groups [list] page.


Column Headers

Click on the column heading to sort the list by that column's value.

  • Checkbox. Check this box to select one or more items. To select all items, check the box in the column heading. After one or more boxes are checked, click a toolbar button to take an action on the selected item or items. Many toolbar actions, such as Publish and Unpublish, can work with multiple items. Others, such as Edit, only work on one item at a time. If multiple items are checked and you press Edit, the first item will be opened for editing.

  • Shopper Group Name. The name of the shopper group. You can open the item for editing by clicking on the Name.

  • % discount. The discount that should apply to their purchases.
  • Shopper Group Description. A description of the group.

  • Published. Is the group active or not
  • ID. The ID number. This is a unique identification number for this item assigned automatically by Joomla!. It is used to identify the item internally, and can be used in links. You can not change this number.

  • Display #. Below the list at the bottom of the page. The number of items to display on one page. If there are more items than this number, you can use the page navigation buttons (Start, Prev, Next, End, and page numbers) to navigate between pages. Note that if you have a large number of items, it may be helpful to use the Filter options, located above the column headings, to limit which items display.


At the top left  you will see the toolbar:


The functions are:

  • New. Click on this button to create a new item. You will enter the New page for this item.

  • Edit. Select one item and click on this button to open it in edit mode. If you have more than one item selected, the first item will be opened. You can also open an item for editing by clicking on its Title or Name.

  • Publish. 

  • Unpublish.

  • Check In.

  • Trash.

  • Help. This Help Screen.
  • Options.

List Filters

Filter by Partial Title You can filter the list of items either by entering in part of the title.

  • Filter. In the upper left corner just above the column headings is a Filter field and two buttons, as shown below:

  • Sort By. In the upper right side you can sort by column headers.

  • Number per page. Set the number per page to show.



  • Hits: 9541