Category Options
The category views in MyMuse, inlcuding "List All Categories", "Category plus Product Blog", "Category plus Products in a List" have the option sections "Category" and "Shared Options".
Category Options
The options tab "Category" has the following options:
- Category Title: Show/hide the Category title. The title is usually displayed inside an "H2" tag.
- Category Description: Show or hide the description of the selected Category.
- Category Image: Show or hide the image of the selected Category.
- Image Height: Height for category images.
- Subcategory Levels: Maximum number of levels of subcategories to show.
- Number of Columns: The number of colums to show.
- Empty Categories: If Show, empty categories will display. A category is only empty - if it has no items or subcategories.
- No Products Message: If Show, the message 'There are no products in this category' will display when there are no products in the category and 'Empty Categories' is set to show.
- Show Subcat Image: Show/Hide the subcategory's image.
- Subcategories Descriptions: Show/Hide the subcategory's descriptions.
- Truncate Description: Maximum number of Characters to show in description.
- Show Product Count: If Show, the number of products in the category will show.
- Page Subheading: Optional text to show as a subheading.
- Show All Products: Show/Hide all products.
- Show Product Image: Show/Hide product images.
- Product Image height: Height for product images on listing pages.
- Show Intro Text: Show/Hide Intro Text.
- Link titles: On Products, link title to product detail page.
Shared Options
Shared Options include:
- Category Order: Sort order for Categories. Called 'primary_ordering' in the code, May be one of:
- No Order
- Title Alphabetical
- Title Reverse Alphabetical
- Category Manager Order
Product Order
- : Sort order of products if shown. Called 'secondary_ordering' in the code. May be one of
- Most Recent First
- Oldest First
- Title Alphabetical
- Title Reverse Alphabetical
- Author Alphabetical
- Author Reverse Alphabetical
- Most Hits
- Least Hits
- Most Sales
- Discount
- Reverse Discount
- Product Manager Order
- Date for Ordering: If sorting on Most Recent or Oldest, choose which date is to be used:
- Created
- Modified
- Published
- Release Date
- Pagination: Show/Hide pagination
- Pagination Results: Show/Hide pagination results: example "Page 1 of 4"
- Hits: 5933