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Category plus Products in a List

Category plus Products in a List View uses the files in /components/com_mymuse/views:

  • /category/tmpl/default.xml
  • /category/tmpl/default.php
  • /category/tmpl/default_children.php (for sub-categories)
  • /category/tmpl/default_products.php (for products)


Category plus Products in a List View example:

category list front


Category plus Products in a List View options:

category list options

The options are:

  • Display Select: Show select box for number of items per page.
  • Filter Field: Show filter Field for search. Filter on one of Title, Author, Hits.
  • Table Headings: Show/Hide the table header.
  • Show Date Column: Show/hide a date column. Choose the date type on the Shared Options tab.
  • Date Format: Enter a date format. The default is found in language/en-GB/en-GB.ini: DATE_FORMAT_LC3="d F Y"
  • Show Hits Column: Show/hide hits column.
  • Show Price Column: Show/hide Price Column.
  • Show Discount Column: Show/hide discount column.
  • Show Author in List: Show/hide Author column.
  • Show Sales Column: Show/hide Sales column.
  • # products to List: Starting number per page.


  • Hits: 4416