Store and Featured Products
MyMuse Store View uses the files in /components/com_mymuse/views:
- /store/tmpl/default.xml
- /store/tmpl/default.php
- /store/tmpl/default_item.php
- /store/tmpl/default_links.php
- /store/tmpl/default_message.php
- /store/tmpl/default_downloads.php
The Store View comes with the following option in administration:
The options are:
- Show All Products: show the featured products or not.
- Show Product Image: show or hide the product "list" image.
- Product Image Height: force the image to be this height. Do not enter 'px'.
- Show Intro Text: show or hide the intro text.
- Link titles: link the title to the product page.
- # Leading Products: number of leading products.
- # Intro Products: number of intro products.
- # Columns: the number of columns for the intro products.
- # Links: number of links to show.
- Multi Column Order: across or down
- Category Order: though you are only showing products, they can be sorted first by the category (Artist).
- Product Order: the sort order of the products.
- Date for Ordering: if you chose a date for ordering (Most Recent or Oldest First) choose the date field that should be used.
- Pagination: show or hide pagination.
- Pagination Results: show or hide pagination results ex. 'Page 1 of 4'
The Store View also comes with Product Options. These are for the Single Product pages that the links lead to. Please see 'Single product'
- Hits: 17202