Menu Shopping Cart to Download Page
The Shopping Cart View uses the following files in components/com_mymuse/views/cart/tmpl/
- cart.xml
- cart.php
- cart_cart.php (new in version 3.3.0)
- cart_checkout_footer.php
- cart_checkout_header.php
- cart_coupon.php
- cart_empty.php
- cart_next_form.php
- cart_order_summary.php
- cart_payment_form.php
- cart_shipping form.php
- cart_shopper_info.php
The Shopping Cart
In the standard Shopping Cart there are five possible actions:
- Change Quanties and click Update Cart.
- Delete an item from the Cart.
- Clear the Cart
- Checkout
- Continue Shopping. This link can be set in Administrator: Components/MyMuse->Store: Store Options.
Shopping Cart After Login
After login there are additional options:
- Enter a coupon: If you have coupons enabled in Administrator: Components/MyMuse->Store: Store Options, this link will appear.
- If there is a shopper group discount the total will become: Original Total, Shopping Group Discount xx%
- New Subtotal
- If there are taxes they will be calculated
Shopping Cart with Coupon
Additional action:
- Enter a coupon and click Submit
Shopping Cart After Click Checkout
If you have shipping turned on, and the customer has chosen a physical item, they will be presented with the cart with shipping form.
Additional action:
- Choose shipping method and click confirm.
Shopping Cart After Confirm
Additional Actions:
- Choose payment method from ones presented. Any payment plugin for MyMuse that is eneabled will present a button here.
Shopping Cart Order with Download Page
If there are any downloadables, the order page will include the download page. An email with the same information is sent to the customer.
The Download Page
The Download Page View uses the file from components/com_mymuse/views/store/default_downloads.php
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